Roles & Responsibilities of an Assessor

By Bill, posted

Main Role

The main role will be to carry out planned assessments of your learners against a set criteria that is in line with the qualification specification. These assessments could take place within the workplace or at an external site such as a college or workshop.

This role requires the assessor to take an interest in the learner's overall progress and report to supervisors / managers who may also have an interest. Appropriate assessment methods will need to selected related to the learners work / studies.

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Other Responsibilities

Other than planned / scheduled assessments a wide range of other, sometimes smaller responsibilities may exist. It is worth considering that the assessor can play a pivotal role in engaging learners and motivating them through difficult periods. These responsibilities could include any of the following:

  • Attending meetings, conferences and award events
  • Continual professional development (CPD)
  • Dealing with appeals, complaints & disputes
  • Maintaining safe and accurate records
  • Giving constructive and supportive feedback
  • Coaching learners through difficult periods

Assessing should not be a lonely job role. When part of a team it is advisable to meet up regularly to standardise practice and to also check that everyone is currently meeting protocol. The lead assessor may take the responsibility of mentoring newly qualified personnel which can help in their own development.


Assessments will vary based on the environment and it is the responsibility of the assessor to select the most appropriate method. Below are examples of various environments and methods of selection:

  • Classroom - essays, multiple choice tests & presentations
  • Workplace - Observations, questions & internal paperwork
  • Outside environment - practical activities / tasks
  • Library / home - research project, assignments & online assessments


The assessor should not underestimate the ability to shape a learner's progression. Those who are enthusiastic and passionate about the subject area could inspire learners and help them through difficult periods in the learning process.

Some learners may be intrinsically motivated through their own development and progression. Others may be just as motivated but extrinsically for example to gain a promotion or a pay rise. The challenge is recognising the needs of the learner and responding accordingly on an individual basis.

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