Assessment Feedback

By Bill, posted
Feedback can help a learner understand what they have done right and wrong after a vocational assessment. This could be in the form of a short discussion or formal meeting. It could also be written, whereby the assessor may actually never meet the learner.
The following video example shows an assessor giving feedback to a learner after an observation. Watch all six videos in the series and then create your very own vocational assessment.


Feedback should always aim to help and improve the learner, through being structured and based on the criteria within the course. Learners should have the opportunity to ask questions on any feedback given to them. Generally feedback can encompass the following three areas:

Constructive - Motivation is a factor to consider
Specific - Based on facts and not opinions
Developmental - Encourage further reading and future progression

Video - The assessor in the video starts by informing Tom that he has met the criteria, and gives positive (verbal) feedback about his practical CPR skills. Despite passing the verbal questions Tom is informed about some extra knowledge, which he may wish to consider in the future.

Next Steps

It is important to outline the next phase of the assessment process for the learner. This can also include ideas for their future progression if the current course / programme is drawing to a close. The learner could lose motivation if they feel they have simply finished everything and do not have a plan for the future.
Video - In this example the assessor outlines to Tom that he still needs to complete one final observation based on his bandaging skills. He generally tries to put Tom at ease, and explains that he will have met all of the criteria by successfully completing the final observation.


Feedback can be documented by writing out forms or electronically through a computer system. It is important that the learner has access to the document so they can view the detail of their assessment and recap on the action points given to them. The below is an example of a completed feedback form:

Video - The assessor in the video is reading from a completed feedback form. It is important to use documents and not to rely off memory. The written record can then be duplicated for the learner and stored securely.


In summary it is important to base feedback on the following points:
  • Facts and not opinions
  • Constructive, specific and developmental
  • Centred on the activity and not the person
  • Impartial and unambiguous
  • Detailed about the criteria and the action points
Above all else ensure that any given feedback is helpful to the learner and ensures their future progression is on track.

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