Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) is required when an infant / baby stops breathing. This helps circulate oxygen to the vital organs, preventing brain damage from occurring until normal breathing resumes.
Initial Breaths
Dial 999 /112 stating your location and that an infant has stopped breathing. Now deliver five small breaths over the infant's mouth and nose, with a gap in between each breath. Pay attention to the chest gently rising and falling out of the corner of your eye.
Chest Compressions
Use two fingers in the centre of the chest to deliver 30 chest compressions. Aim for a speed of between 100 - 120 compressions per minute and at a depth of roughly four centimeters. Don’t be afraid to push firmly which will make contact with the heart, and help the flow of oxygenated blood around the body.
Deliver two rescue breaths (using the same technique as the initial breaths) after the first set of 30 chest compressions. Then continue with a ratio of 30:2 until medical professional tell you to stop or signs of normal breathing resumes.