The DRABCD is used to check for dangers, airway obstruction, signs of breathing and to decide if CPR and defibrillation are necessary.
Watch this video and learn how to perform the DRABCD…
Visibly check the surrounding area for any dangers. Remove any dangers before proceeding to check the casualty, to remove any risk to yourself and other bystanders.
Look inside the casualty’s mouth for any visible instructions, including blood and vomit. It is important to remove any obstructions before opening the airway via the head tilt lift chin maneuver.
Check the casualty’s breathing by looking for chest movements, listening for the sound of breathing and by the feel of breaths against your own cheek. Spend a maximum of 10 seconds checking for a normal pattern of breathing.
CPR is only required when a casualty is not breathing normally. In this video case the casualty is breathing normally. Look out for future ‘How to Videos’ to learn how to perform CPR
Defibrillation is only required when a casualty is not breathing normally. In this video case the casualty is breathing and defibrillation is not required. Check out this
how to video to learn how to operate the Automated External Defibrillator (AED).